Airflow / Flowspray

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What is Airflow Teeth Cleaning?

Airflow teeth cleaning uses a combination of water, compressed air, and fine sodium bicarbonate. It is a powerful dental hygiene treatment that cleans and removes plaque, as well as stain removal from your teeth.

How Does Airflow Teeth Cleaning Work?

Using the latest non-abrasive technology, Airflow teeth cleaning has been shown to reduce the incidence of bleeding gums by reducing the level of bacteria in your mouth. The Airflow nozzle shoots high pressured water mixed with bicarbonate at the surface of your teeth. A very effective dental cleaning method. This combination has been proven to leave your mouth feeling fresh and clean which is equal to a regular hygienist visit.
What to expect during air polishing treatment

An average appointment lasts around 30 minutes. Your dentist will clean any large amounts of calculus first using traditional methods and then finish with Airflow. The teeth cleaning treatment uses high-pressure water and sodium bicarbonate, so although this is pain-free you could potentially get wet. Following the cleaning process, you can return to your normal daily activities.

Why is dental hygiene important?

Good dental hygiene can prevent problems such as cavities or gum disease which can impair your face shape and your ability to eat and speak properly, cause pain and bad breath. Studies have also suggested that the bacteria from gum disease can travel to your heart and arteries leasing to further issues.

Can Airflow remove stains?

Yes. Airflow can remove stains from up to 5mm deep into the periodontal pockets as well as the surface of the tooth. Using a combination of pressured water and bicarbonate it can remove stains left on your teeth by smoking, food, and drink. It is the ideal teeth whitening treatment without direct contact, heat, or noise resulting in the ideal white smile. Airflow polishing is also ideal for anyone who suffers from sensitive teeth, due to the lack of direct contact and the absence of heat and vibration.
The advantages of air polishing compared to traditional cleaning.

Airflow teeth cleaning is fast, gentle, and less costly than traditional methods. It has the ability to remove stains from up to 5mm deep into the periodontal pockets and from the surface of your teeth. Leaving you with a brighter white smile in around 30 minutes; no abrasive technique, scrapping tools, or long monthly appointments.

How long does it take to get done?

An average appointment lasts around 30 minutes. Your dentist can make you feel clean and bright in as little as one appointment.

For more Information regarding this treatment

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